A History of Service

A History of Service

A Brief History

The Camalote Group was founded one hundred and fifty years ago by Krinus Gold, T. Hallows, and Judith Ench. It was created out of concern for the state of the city at the time and a desire to uphold a mutual interest throughout the city’s levels. Since its inception, its mission has expanded into enriching the lives of the citizens of our fair city by promoting charitable organizations, community service, and civic pride.

Members are hand selected by the board and serve a lifetime membership with the Group. As of today Camalote Group has donated over one-hundred million lira to our community and continues to lead Lovat into the coming years.

Governance and Funding

The Camalote Group is organised by the foundation Camalote. A board of directors governs this foundation and designates a chairperson. Members are elected for a term of four years and can be re-elected. The chairperson’s key responsibilities include chairing the steering committee and, together with the steering committee, preparing the meeting’s programme as well as the selection of participants.

The expenses of maintaining the small secretariat of The Camalote Group are covered wholly by private subscription. The hospitality costs of the annual meeting are the responsibility of the steering committee member(s) of the host country.