Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Your Questions

Who is the Camalote Group?

As of today, the Board of Directors consists of:

  • R. H. Blake
  • Carlton Akeley
  • Joyce Pickett-Derby
  • T. Gilman
  • Genard dal Chental
  • Angeline L. Daviau
  • L. N. N. Dexter, Esq.
  • Benjamin Gratien Eustis
  • Jilka wen Rarish
  • Giselle Waite

Members not on the board are asked to keep their names private.

What charities does the Camalote Group sponsor?

The Camalote Group and its members finance a great many public and private funds through the city levels. However, under section 636-11B, of the Lovat City Charter, Type 11 non-profit organizations like the Camalote Group are not required to disclose donations and sponsorships except under court order.

What criteria do I have to meet to get an invitation to the Camalote Group?

There is no application process. The key question is whether participants can bring an interesting perspective to our work. Participants are invited because they can offer a different point of view.

How does the invitation procedure work?

Steering Committee members propose invitees to the Chairperson, who consults with the other members of the Steering Committee and decides whether an invitation is issued or not. There is always comprehensive discussion to ensure maximum diversity in background, views, generations, and gender.

How is the Camalote Group financed? Do members pay for membership?

Annual contributions by members cover only a small portion of our annual costs of the secretariat. Under section 1223-G of the city charter, Type 11 non-profit organizations are not required to disclose fundraising capital to the public except under court order.